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I am good at what I do.

I am a seasoned backend engineer in a wide variety of domains and technologies. I started my career in 2007 with embedded operating systems and moved on to focus majorly on backend server technologies, application development and infrastructure. My career history is up-to-date in LinkedIn. Updated resume can be found here.

I am a generalist software developer and I love it that way. I like to work with diverse technologies, languages and domains. I enjoy learning and being a generalist plays in that favor. Over the years, my involvement in projects span across the spectrum: System Programming to Data Warehousing, Middleware to Infrastructure Automation.

I like to own end-to-end software development lifecycle: design and implementation to operationalization and maintenance.

Here are some notable projects that I am proud of:

  1. Led the database partitioning and sharding of MySQL cluster at Flipkart Seller Platforms.

  2. Setup the backend systems from scratch for GaragePlug, which included Authentication/Authorization, Order Management, ElasticSearch cluster and query APIs, CRM among others.

  3. Refactored and optimized large legacy services in Amazon SCOT, getting the fleet size down by more than 50%.

  4. Enabled CI/CD and automated the maintenance of 50+ ETL jobs at Amazon Community Shopping.

  5. Designed and implemented an API audit framework using cheap data store like S3 at Amazon.

  6. Led the design and implementation of a Dynamic Sandbox solution for external APIs of Amazon Warehousing.

My areas of expertise: Distributed Systems, Scalable architecture, API design, Operational Excellence, Automation and testing.

My languages of choice: Java, Kotlin, Python, rust, TypeScript (for AWS infrastructure)

I am currently interested in full-time roles in backend engineering.